"Since [working with Kylie], I've done things I didn't think were possible for me..."
Since then, I’ve done things I didn’t think were possible for me, like booking clients at $6k, getting invited to speak at summits, and building an audience all my own. The biggest change overall is that I feel like a different person (ha!). But for real, I used to be this scattered, nervous freelancer… and now I am this calm, focused business owner, with huge goals and a detailed strategy for reaching them.
If you’re struggling with your business and feeling lost like I was, hiring Kylie might be the answer you’re looking for. At first, the investment felt really huge for me… but now that I’m earning so much more (just a year later), it feels like a bargain. So if you can AT ALL scrounge up the money for the investment, do it -- it’ll pay for itself.
-Krista Walsh, SEO Website Copywriter & Copywriting Coach