About Business Coach Kylie


Hi, I’m Kylie, a business coach who’s also a former…

✅ national spokesperson and driver of the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile

✅ startup sales & marketer

✅ TV host and producer


While my expertise is unique, you may relate to a few other things:

👉 I made a penpal at 9 years old while in the bathroom line on a family vacation to Disney World 

👉 I’m a real people-person who’s energized, inspired by, and born to be in collaboration with other people

👉 Within the last 4 years I was diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety and depression. It explains why when I get a really exciting, juicy, creative idea, I drop whatever I’m doing to obsess over it for anywhere from 24 hours - 2 weeks.


Exhibit A:

Some folks laugh at me when I say I drove the Wienermobile, but picking up the sales, marketing, and PR skills from working for a Fortune 500 Company leave me with the last laugh 😎

Exhibit B:

The squirrely behaviors of ADHD allow me to quickly sniff it out in my clients, and attack the real problem right away - so we can build a plan *around* their neurodivergent brain. No forcing ourselves to be someone we’re not around here!

Exhibit C:

My extroverted nature has me in all of the communities, clubs, and orgs. [Not to mention it makes me a pro at sales] I’ve got a finger on the pulse of how people gather so I can help you merge the best practices of community-building with a business model proven to support how you want to work and play.


And while those qualities sound like silly fun-facts…

they spell out how I’ve combined my natural abilities with certified business-building training to become my super powers working with my clients.